Live data

"Ofitserski" beach - Varna, Bulgaria

Wave height: 0.7 meters

Temperature: 15 C

Underwater flow: 2 m/s


"Kabakum" beach - Varna, Bulgaria

Wave height: 1.2 meters

Temperature: 13 C

Underwater flow: 1.2 m/s


"Tsentralen" beach - Varna, Bulgaria

Wave height: 0.7 meters

Temperature: 8 C

Underwater flow: 1.8 m/s


"South" beach - Varna, Bulgaria

Wave height: 1.3 meters

Temperature: 14 C

Underwater flow: 0.3 m/s


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Each unit "Smart Buoy" is collecting live data from its location. The data extracted is: wind speed, underwater flow, temperature, wave height and water purity. There are more than one units on every beach for greater accuracy and because the data varies in range of just 20 to 30 meters.

The data is optained via sensors. The wave lenght and height with giroscope, the temperature with temperature sensor and the underwater flow speed with turbine with servo motor.