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The current system consists of flags placed at a close distance of around 50 meters. The flag's colors are different around the world. For example, in Bulgaria, there are three colors: green, yellow, and red. Green - you can swim (no danger), yellow - you are not allowed to go too far in the sea or use inflatables, red - swimming is forbidden.

Although the colors and their exact meaning are different there is one similarity everywhere - the change of the flag is eighter the lifeguard`s responsibility or someone specialized. He needs to receive the data and the process is very slow. We can use led screens to show the color and update it automatically.

Also, we are streaming the data in our web app so everyone can see where it is safe for a swim. That can be really helpful for the tourists in the sea/ocean resorts. Many beaches are 'wild', so they don`t have that kind of system, and those who have it work until 6 pm after that everyone is in danger. "Smart buoy" is there for your safety 24/7.